On Monday 16th March 2020 the Government moved into social distancing, the next stage of the action plan to tackle the COVID-19 virus.
This means that if you or anyone in your household has one of two symptoms then you should stay at home for fourteen days. And, whether or not you have symptoms, everyone should stop non-essential contact with others and to stop all unnecessary travel. Anyone who can should work from home.
For the majority of people, the coronavirus will be a mild illness. What matters most is to limit the spread of the virus to those who are most vulnerable.
If you have mild symptoms you should self-isolate and call 111 if the symptoms continue after seven days. These symptoms are:
• a high temperature
• a new, continuous cough
The advice for self-isolating at home is here.
The measures introduced by the Government are the ones supported by clinical and scientific evidence and it is crucial that we listen to the experts. The points of contact are:
I have always been struck by the strength of our community spirit and I am sure we will rise to the challenge of looking after our elderly and vulnerable.
As your Member of Parliament, I will be doing whatever I can to keep residents informed. I have been working with the Government to push for supportive measures to ensure our economy keeps functioning, and although we cannot take face-to-face contact, my office remains open during this time.